I became a Specialist in Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University Clinical Hospital of Zaragoza (Autonomous Community of Aragon, Spain). Currently, I am a specialist practitioner in the Preventive Medicine Service of the Hospital Complex of Navarra, in the areas of monitoring and control of infections related to healthcare. Likewise, I perform teaching and research work. I am very interested in nosocomial infection prevention measures: “Hand Hygiene” (I have done research on differences in infrastructure according to health environments) or “Zero Programs” such as the “Zero Surgical Infection Project”, of the Spanish Society of Preventive Medicine and Public Health. During my training I have been deeply made aware of Patient Safety and Care Quality, and believe that they are essential in the performance of any healthcare professional. I am a Doctor in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Zaragoza, where under the Department of Legal Medicine, I defended a thesis of multidisciplinary approach, between Public Health, Legal Medicine and Psychiatry, on the risk factors of violence in prison population. As a result of my passion for science, I had the honor of receiving, together with a fellow psychiatrist, a research award for a work on personality disorders in prison. My colleague and I were also the main researchers of a project on the “National Drug Plan”, of the Ministry of Health of the Spanish Government, within the program of risk factors for violent behaviors in drug addicts and alcoholics. After verifying the disagreement between science, society and aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, I want to focus my efforts on the empowerment of citizens and healthcare professionals through excellence training, spreading truthful and verified information of general interest, not being subject to any personal interest.

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