The unintuitive properties of LC AuxeTec’s materials mean they thicken when stretched, and could be exploited in body armour and skyscraper windows Auxeticity – the tendency of a material to become thicker rather than thinner when stretched – is an unusual phenomenon. While the property is uncommon, it’s not unheardContinue Reading

The unintuitive properties of LC AuxeTec’s materials mean they thicken when stretched, and could be exploited in body armour and skyscraper windows Auxeticity – the tendency of a material to become thicker rather than thinner when stretched – is an unusual phenomenon. While the property is uncommon, it’s not unheardContinue Reading

Samhain Halloween, also known as All Hallows’ Eve, can be traced back about 2,000 years to a pre-Christian Celtic festival held around Nov. 1 called Samhain (pronounced “sah-win”), loosely translates to “summer’s end” in Gaelic, according to the Indo-European Etymological Dictionaries. [13 Halloween Superstitions & Traditions Explained] Because ancient recordsContinue Reading

The Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability promises the biggest reform since Reach The European commission adopted the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability on 14 October. This ambitious programme has been touted as the biggest reform of chemical regulations since Reach (registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals). The strategy forms partContinue Reading