Most bears live in the Northern Hemisphere; polar bears are no exception. The Arctic and Antarctica, while similar habitats in some ways, are home to very different creatures. Both poles host a variety of seal and whale species, but only the Arctic is home to Earth’s largest bear, the polarContinue Reading

Web vibrations help them coordinate when to strike Pack hunting spiders exist in places other than your nightmares. While most spiders enjoy solitary lives, 20 of the roughly 50,000 known spider species live in colonies. One species, Anelosimus eximius, lives in extremely large colonies of up to 1,000 individual spidersContinue Reading

Do some ants smell like chocolate and blue cheese? Skunks are notoriously stinky. The musk ox, true to its name, emits a musky scent during mating season. And for some lucky owners, dog paws smell like corn chips. But these are not the only members of the animal kingdom thatContinue Reading

House cat skulls have gotten significantly smaller over the last 10,000 years, and so have their brains. Thousands of years of human dependence has shrunk your cat’s brain, new research suggests. In a study published Jan. 26 in the journal Royal Society Open Science, researchers compared the cranial measurements (anContinue Reading