Microscopy revealed the stunning compound structure in trilobite eyes. Trilobites: Those ubiquitous, half-billion-year-old armored sea bugs — had eyes that were faceted like disco balls. Now, new images reveal that these eyes were remarkably similar to those of bees and dragonflies. Trilobites were buglike, many-legged marine arthropods that appeared duringContinue Reading

This enormous predator had jaws powerful enough to subdue massive dinosaur prey. An enormous Cretaceous crocodile relative hunted dinosaurs, ripping them apart using powerful jaws lined with teeth “the size of bananas,” researchers say. Known as Deinosuchus, which means “terrible crocodile” in Greek, this lineage of semiaquatic reptiles certainly livedContinue Reading

The jury is still out. In recent years, the notion of an insect apocalypse has become a hot topic in the conservation science community and has captured the public’s attention. Scientists who warn that this catastrophe is unfolding assert that arthropods — a large category of invertebrates that includes insectsContinue Reading

What should you call that bird? You couldn’t go wrong with “dinosaur,” taxonomists say. If you saw a feathered, two-footed critter on the lawn, what would you tell people you saw? A robin? A blackbird? How about a dinosaur? From a taxonomist’s perspective, you couldn’t go wrong with dinosaur. AccordingContinue Reading