This is the condition in the atmosphere at a particular place and time. Weather (noun, “WEH-ther”) Weather refers to the state of the atmosphere in a particular place and at a particular time. People might talk about the weather in terms of the temperature, air pressure, wind speed or howContinue Reading

One simple rule of thumb: Give more than you take. Soil didn’t always exist. It grew slowly over the millennia as rocks weathered into smaller particles and dust. As land-dwelling organisms died, their decaying bodies added nutrients that would help glue particles together and absorb moisture. Soil science can nowContinue Reading

If a planet you’d like to be, you must fulfill criteria three. Planet (noun, “PLAN-et”) These are more than rocky bodies orbiting the sun. Planets have to fulfill three criteria. First, they have to orbit a star in a predictable way. In our solar system, that star is the sun.Continue Reading

Tiny airborne particles, like those spewed by forest fires, can alter Earth’s temperature Wildfires have captured headlines around the globe in recent years. In 2018, California wildfires caused record destruction and death. But the area they incinerated would be eclipsed by fires in 2020. Some of those fires roared outContinue Reading

The effect may be temporary, experts said. Men who have recovered from COVID-19 may be at risk of developing low sperm count, at least in the short-term, a small new study suggests. The study researchers, from the University of Florence in Italy, analyzed semen samples from 43 men ages 30Continue Reading

Mysteries abound at the most famous archaeological site in the U.K. A medieval ship burial in England that is so impressive and mysterious that it’s been compared to the world of the Old English epic “Beowulf” is now captivating viewers of the Netflix drama “The Dig.” But who is actuallyContinue Reading